Cornea Study Guide

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Cornea Study Guide

Sale Price:$10.00 Original Price:$12.50

I have modified my study notes (including differential diagnoses, mnemonics, and other helpful tips) and reorganized them into a little study guide. This section is part of my long-term plan of releasing a full review book covering all of the major topics of ophthalmology.

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Table of Contents

  1. Ocular Surface Disease

  2. Congenital and Developmental Abnormalities of the Anterior Segment

  3. Corneal Dystrophies

  4. Infectious Disease of the Ocular Surface

  5. Inflammations of the External Eye

  6. Degenerations of the Ocular Surface

  7. Depositions and Systemic Diseases Affecting the Ocular Surface and Anterior Segment

  8. Corneal Ectasias

  9. Neoplasias of the Ocular Surface